Honeymoon Phase

Friday and Saturday I went to a seminar that helps people understand their natural talents and their desire to serve and puts them together to help people understand what their own personal identity is. No one has the same identity because we are all so uniquely created. (which is super amazing!) Anyways it was a really cool seminar and I would suggest you check it out if you are interested in what you may be called to do with your natural abilities. 🙂 Click here for more info

While I was attending this seminar I was naturally people watching. I mean lets face it, anywhere you go, there you are surrounded by people. (unless you are in the woods by yourself…but thats an entirely different story and ending – focus.) So I was noticing certain people and there was this one lady, whom I will call the “I did it!” lady. Seriously, every question that the speakers would ask, she would raise her hand. Every. Single. Question. It was so ridiculous that I had to watch her every single time they asked a question because I was placing bets in my mind that she would stop raising her hand. Guess what, I lost, because she seriously raised her hand for every question. 🙂 Fun times.

Then I noticed this older couple who were so very sweet to each other. Well I take that back, the old man was so very sweet to his wife. Everytime I saw them he had his hand on her back and would sweetly graze her back. It was the sweetest thing. I mean I like to be touched, but I really want you to either rub my back or touch me sweetly and then stop. But this lady sat there the entire time, while her husband continued to graze his hand all around her back. It was sweet. I promise.

Lastly, I noticed a younger couple, maybe around my age, in their mid to upper 30’s and they looked so in love. Everytime she would move, he would move. She would reach over and rub (actually rub) his back for like 10 minutes and then he would rub her back and play with her hair. (okay yes I may have been envious of this) She would lean over and whisper into his ear and he would smile so sentimentally back at her and lean over and give her a kiss on the cheek or on the lips. (So I may not have even heard a single word during the seminar because I was seriously studying this couple, apparently. HA!) She even leaned over towards him and then leaned her head on his shoulder for like 5 minutes.

The point I am trying to make is that it was overly sweet and I wanted what they had. During one of the breaks I was talking to my friend and we discussed that couple. I was saying how sweet it was and how it made me want that, and my friend said, “They probably just got married, it’s their honeymoon phase!” We both kind of smiled and wondered if it really was. Then something happened inside of me that made me say, “I have been married twice and have never had the honeymoon phase.” Which shocked me and my friend because I never talk about my first marriage. I never talk about it because to me it meant nothing. Let me explain before anyone gets all bent out of shape. In my first marriage, I was legally married only to help a friend receive their green card. They were here for school but their school visa had run out and we were dating at the time, so in my not very sober state, in my early 20’s, I thought it wouldn’t hurt to “marry” this guy for a little while until he gets his green card. I actually thought I was doing him a favor, almost like I could mark it down as some sort of community service. (in my mind that is) But the reality of it was that as soon as I signed my name on a marriage certificate, I was legally married to this man. It freaked me out and something inside flipped out. How could I do such a stupid thing that I will have to tell my real husband someday. So needless to say about 2 months (if even that long) later I filed for a divorce. He wasn’t happy about it, but let’s face it, it was a really bad idea in the first place.

So why did I even tell you this story about the honeymoon couple and my two failed marriages? Well because marriage is an important union that should not be taken lightly. It is a very serious commitment that two people should take to heart and never let go of. I, on the other hand, acted like it was not a big deal and married someone that I barely knew, and honestly no one even knows about. In neither of my marriages, did I or my husband ever act like that sweet couple this morning.

Is it wrong for me to want the honeymoon phase? Is it too much to ask I wonder? No, I don’t think that it is and I know that I will have that someday. You can also mark my words and hold me accountable that my third marriage (I seriously cannot believe I have been married twice – I’m telling you I never even think of that first one, so it’s weird to say third marriage) will have a honeymoon phase. It will be sweet, loving, touching, whispers in the ear, leaning my head on their shoulder, a perfect honeymoon phase. And I am looking forward to it. ❤

Have a honeymoon phase everyday! Be intentional about it! 😉

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