There’d Be Days Like This

“Momma said there’d be days like this, there’d be days like this my momma said.” Dang! Momma was right about that, wasn’t she?! You can go into my world for a moment and get in my shoes. I am a First Grade teacher, and some days are just rough! 21 kids in disarray is a LOT of disarray. You either have to laugh or cry and I think I may have done a little of both this week. At one point they just weren’t getting what I was putting down and I did everything but stand on my head to try to help them understand, to no avail. Ahhh!!! I had to leave the classroom, close the door behind me, and just lean on the door. My teammate walked by at that same time and said, “Me too girl, me too!” Sometimes it is just nice to know that you are not alone. Even as a teacher, having a rough day, we are not alone. Thank goodness for that. 🙂 When I went back into the classroom, it was like a miracle had occurred, they were all sitting quietly waiting for my return. (Believe me this is a miracle that someone was not spinning on the green carpet, or up talking to their friend at another table.) Straight. Up. Miracle. “Momma said there’d be days like this……”

Miracles happen. They do. I promise. I have witnessed them and been a part of them. However, there is TIME that comes with miracles. Sometimes our miracles don’t come over night, in one week or even in one year. I am always praying for myself, my kids, my family and other people that God puts on my heart.

Over the past several weeks I have been having a come to Jesus with Jesus. Yes you read that right. I have been telling God that I can no longer do the hard work down here, but that he has to step in and make these mountains move. If you know God at all you know he just laughed, and basically said, “Well thanks for letting me do my job.” To which I said, “You are welcome! I just cannot be God anymore down here God!” He just listened and I said, “Lord I need you to take this from me. Don’t let me have it back either, because it is just getting worse the more I try to fix it.” After I got off my high horse, he just said, “I have been waiting for you to give that to me.” Then he said, “If you would only do what I ask you to do and nothing more, then you would see me moving, like I have already promised you I would.” That steadied my heart, and I just had to tell my flesh and heart to be still and let God take it. It is so hard to have faith, especially when you can see nothing in the natural. I just want to say for the record, IT’S HARD!  It’s sobbing tears kind of hard. But you can bet your bottom dollar this chick has faith that it will come to pass. No matter what I see in the natural, I am still believing for the promises and the moving of the mountains.

I would like to encourage you tonight, to know that if God gave you a word that he will do something, don’t give up!! He will do it. You have to have faith, believe, pray, and thank God for the blessing BEFORE they actually happen. Stand with me and I will stand with you for words of affirmation in due season. God is still in the business of miracles. Don’t let the enemy steal your joy in the midst of you waiting for the miracle. Find the joy in the trials. It is there, you just have to find it.

Job 6:10 It would still bring me comfort, and I would leap for joy in unrelenting pain that I have not denied the words of the Holy One.

Love Intentionally. ❤

When Is The ‘Right’ Time?

Texas is completely bipolar, but you gotta love it! Today it’s 70 degrees, wind is blowing and it feels amazing. Tomorrow it is supposed to be in the 60’s and by the weekend it is supposed to be cold and rainy. Who’s complaining? Not this chick.

**This is just a warning that this blog will be a little different than most of my blogs.

Picture it: Girl sitting in the room, reading a book. A guy walks over to her, sits down beside her and slides over a note. She gets red in the face, grabs the note to appease the guy and reads it. “Do you like me? Circle Yes or No” She grabs her pencil, circles Yes folds the note back up, slides it back to the guy. He opens it, reads it, gets a huge approving smile on his face, stands up and walks away. She goes on about her reading, smiling with contentment.

Sweet right? It is straight to the point, there is no blurred lines, everyone knows exactly what the other thinks. That is a scenario before the texting scene popped up.

Picture it: Girl is sitting at her computer, reading through online dating applicants. This one is handsome, but he smokes.This one doesn’t smoke but he is less than attractive to her. She scans through 20 other pictures and profiles until she sees one that has most (at best) of the qualities that she is attracted to. She sends him a digital ‘wink’. She waits… she sees he is online…and waits…. Okay she is moving on to the second best profile. She sends him a virtual ‘wink’. She closes out of that website, because she is now frustrated that her first choice still has not messaged back. The next day she awakes to an email from her first choice! Joyous morning!

*Fast Forward 3 weeks* Okay they have been calling each other off and on, texting everyday. They seem to be really hitting it off. He is funny, he goes to church regularly (so he says) and he loves his momma (but doesn’t live with her, which is very important). They talk about their likes and dislikes, they talk about if they plan to marry again and if each other wanted kids again. They seem to really be hitting it off, so she agrees to go on a date. Their schedules finally match up, and they set the date. She is so excited to finally go out on a legitimate date! She gets childcare arranged, she picks out an outfit with her bestie….she is ready!

Then it happens….

He texts her a dick pic.

Not just any dick pic, but a full body picture. It is weird and at a bad angle (just sayin). If you are going to make this choice, you should really take several pictures for you to examine and then send the best one. (not that I am encouraging this at all) She is confused and honestly horrified that he thought it was a good idea to send this. I mean, when is the right time to send a dick pic? Maybe it is three weeks into a conversation that most people send one. Maybe it is in the guys handbook of “When to Send a Dick Pic” that it says, “Send within 3 weeks but not before 3 weeks because you will surely scare her off.”   Maybe he was too lazy and didn’t get to Chapter 4 in the book where it says “Never send a full body dick picture, because this takes years of practice, and if you are reading this book, you are not ready for that level of dick pic’edness.” (yes i made that word up!) Maybe he thought this was going to take the relationship to the next level, and he was ready for the next step. Is it like playing strip poker, I’ll show you mine if you show me yours? Does this mean there is an unspoken rule that if you receive a dick pic you are now responsible for sending a  veejayjay pic?! Oh no! No, no, no, no.  Maybe she should be grateful to receive this dick pic first thing in the morning. I mean doesn’t it mean he was thinking of her when he woke up this morning? So, I suppose there is always a silver lining, when receiving a dick pic. I guess things are looking up (pun intended) 😉

Guys you can comment if you dare, but really, unless we ask you for a dick pic, please for the love of everything good, DON’T SEND IT. I am curious now though, do women send vag shots without the man asking for it? I guess I am not really a part of this world, so I may just be out of the know. Maybe that is the case. You can be the judge of that.

Love intentionally. (but please keep your privates covered, unless asked otherwise)  😉 ❤


Lovely weather in Texas this weekend. Beautiful days and cool nights, just enough to make you want to snuggle up to a warm cup of jo and chat. I am a female, (just in case someone out there didn’t realize that) and I do love to chat. I love to chat with just about anyone who wants to carry on a conversation with me.

I love talking to different people, especially people I don’t know. I learn a lot about myself from people who barely know me. Know what I mean? We know ourselves from the inside out. Others get the amazing pleasure of knowing us from the outside in. It will never cease to amaze me how people can tell me something that I think I know about myself and they tell me that’s not what they see AT ALL! It can be good and bad sometimes, but mostly it’s nice to know that even a stranger can see who you really are.

I believe it is really more all about our actions than words though. Right? If I tell you I am a nice person and that I’m funny, you could believe me. If I have the opportunity to show you that I am nice and funny, then my actions will prove my words. Words are extremely powerful, but if you say things and you never follow through, people will stop believing the words that are coming out of your mouth. (think about it)

I had an epiphany last night in the shower. I will give you a run down of my brain conversation with myself.

Staring at the shampoo bottle ingredients…wow who knew all of that crap is in this shampoo…I wonder if they really think people in the shower will read this….I mean I do, but I’m a little different than most….hmmm maybe I should ask my friends if they also read the shampoo bottle ingredients…..I could text them and ask… that’s dumb, I want to know their actual response when I ask them such a random question….You should call them and ask them….I wonder why people think texting is a major form of communication these days…..doesn’t anybody talk on the phone anymore….just to hear the other persons voice is so nice, and reassuring that they actually care enough to take time out of their life, to talk and listen to me and my random question…. man I love my friends…..wait a minute…..I don’t do that with my guy friends….I text them all….. what the crap?!…..I hate just texting people…..why did I not see this before? I cannot get mad at them when I let them text me…..oh my gosh, I have let the last 3 guys that I have talked to, text me for the majority of our friendships…..well crap, that is completely my fault…..I have to change the boundaries with my guy friends…Wow…You need to change that pronto.

The end. That was my big epiphany. It isn’t just 3 guys, it’s been about 4 years of mostly having a conversation over text. It’s easy, it’s quick. Here’s the problem with it, it sends the wrong message to them. I want them to know I care about their life enough to call them and talk. I also want them to care about what is going on in my life. If they don’t care enough to hear about my life, then maybe I need to reevaluate my guy friend list.

So here’s my challenge to you: If you only text people, surprise them and call them. When you hang up see if you don’t feel happier with your choice. 🙂 Yea, you can thank me later.

Love intentionally. Be intentional. ❤

This is How You Know…

Your days are numb.

You ignore the pain.

You wish you had stayed in bed.

What day is it again?

You go through the motions.

A minute feels like a month.

You tell yourself you don’t need this shit.

How long is long enough?

Stupid song makes you think of them.

You daydream of being anywhere but here.

You tell yourself you will not fear.

This is how you know… you’re done.

Faith Is…

Faith is believing in things unseen.
It is standing up when everyone else is sitting down.
It is marching to the beat of your own drum, despite what people say.
It is thanking God for making you a victorious overcomer, while you are in the very midst of a storm.
It is believing you can when the world says you cannot.
It is seeing triumph during tribulation.
It is joy when the world says you should have sorrow.
It is taking the first step, even though you cannot see the second one.
It is preparing for a spouse when you aren’t dating anyone.
It is believing things God told you even though everything points to impossible.
It is praying over your spouse while you are very much single.
It is believing in Gods word.
It is believing in God.
It is believing.


Why Are You Not Married Yet?

People ask me all the time, why are you not married yet? I just smile and inside my head I answer differently than what comes out of my mouth. What I say is “Well, I have to date someone before I can marry them, so I’m not married yet.” Inside my head it goes something like this, “Really!? That question again? Should I tell them the truth, or just enough of the truth so that they will leave me alone. Go with just the little bit of truth, that way this conversation doesn’t have to continue.”

You see there are two different types of people in this world. Those that have faith in things unseen and those that believe what they see. So based on the type of person I have seen in you, I will answer that marriage question accordingly. If you are like me, and have faith in things unseen then you get a totally different answer. The answer I would give you goes as follows: “Well, I believe that God is preparing my husband for the exact right time to realize that I am his wife. I believe that God has a plan that is far greater than I can see or even hope to imagine, and in God’s timing, he will reveal us to each other. You see I have been praying for my husband day and night for the past year and I believe God put that on my heart. He is teaching me to love and care for a man that does not even know I am doing it. He is teaching me honor and respect through prayer and supplication. Everyday that I breathe air, is a day that I pray over my future husband. I not only pray for him and over him, but I pray for his family and friends. I read from the book The Power of a Praying Wife.  I read this book often because I know that God knows my husband. I don’t have to know him to pray over him. But I do have to have faith that he is out there, and that I am sure he could use some prayers.” Usually after I give someone that type of answer I wait to see their facial expression. Then I say “Do you think that is crazy?” Even though I totally expect them to say “Yes”, they never have. They tell me that they wish they had done that before meeting their husband, and they tell me that my husband is blessed to have a future wife like me. To which my face turns red from embarrassment, and I also agree that my future husband is blessed and highly favored. ❤

If you are a wife, or want to be a wife in the future, I highly recommend that you buy The Power of a Praying Wife and start reading it over your husband. It is amazing!!

Love intentionally. ❤

These Are a Few of My Favorite Things…

Just in case anyone out in cyber land ever wanted to know some of my favorite things, here is a random, not in any specific order list.

  • intentional (thoughtful) gifts
  • touching someone I care about (get your minds outta the gutter people)
  • strawberries covered in chocolate
  • tulips and gardenias
  • a hammock on a beach
  • a hammock anywhere quiet
  • a good book
  • being with my friends
  • playing games with my girls
  • a fire on a cold night
  • hot coffee
  • snuggling on the couch
  • old historic houses
  • lit candles
  • ice cream
  • freshly baked super soft cookies
  • blueberries and strawberries with vanilla yogurt
  • fresh pineapple yum
  • breakfast for any meal
  • family vacations
  • a nice smile with nice teeth
  • snow falling
  • porch sitting
  • comfy beds
  • Monet paintings
  • the smell of rain in the air
  • dirt roads with shade trees lining both side
  • out the window of a car; hand roller coaster with the wind
  • driving to get lost; finding my way back
  • people watching
  • long talks with myself (out loud)

Awww I just re-read my list and it made me happy. ❤ Find the things that make you happy, and do at least ONE of them daily. You will be happy that you did. Believe me. 😉

Love people, and love them intentionally. It will make you happy. (and you are the only one that really matters)

Random Thoughts

Did I pay that dang bill? I mean the electricity is still on so I must have. Ha! You should really check into that tomorrow while you are literally doing nothing. Nothing…I will be doing something, I will be planning for things to do. Like sitting and planning on doing things. Things… ugh… there are so many things that I should be doing. Like not writing this blog but actually doing things while the littles are asleep. I get so much more done when they are sleeping. Well that’s not true.. they are like a little army and they come in super helpful when I need things done. Man… kids are super handy. Good thing I had two of those little people. Ha! Goodness now you sound like a crazy person forcing kids to do manual labor for you. Well not really manual labor but just doing stuff. But isn’t that why my parents had 4 kids? We worked growing up too, it makes responsible kids. See…I am doing this for my kids. Man, I am a good mom. Single mom. Nah that doesn’t define my awesome mom-ness. I am still a good mom, single or married or in between, still awesome. They should totally thank me tomorrow when I ask them to help with the laundry. They just have no idea how much I am helping their adult lives… Oh yes adult life… man I really thought adult life was going to be awesome. It is, sometimes… Not so much when you are wondering if you paid the electric bill though. That’s when it starts to suck. I remember when I left my lights on in my bedroom as a kid all night long, just so I could journal or draw or do anything I wanted to. Those were the good old days, now I am the mom yelling “Lights out!” 30 minutes post bedtime. Adulthood…Why isn’t there a class in High school we could have taken that told us about how much crap we would have to do to just live as an adult. Not just one class but a class every semester. Like a mandatory class. And if we failed the class, we would have to stay in High school. I totally know some people that would still be in High school working on that class. (no I will not mention names…. that would be “so high school” of me..) High school…. remember the kids making out in the hallway and you were like “seriously” out loud but in your mind you were like “why is my boy/girlfriend not making out with me in the hallway?” 😉 Ha! High school was fun while I was there, but looking back it was so much drama. She doesn’t like him, but he likes this other girl, and she doesn’t even know he exists. Young love… love was so much easier back then. It just worked out so much easier. Probably it was the lack of technology when I was in High school, I think we had pagers. That’s right! This is code for only us pager people, so you other people can just eat it! 07734 Okay so that didn’t turn out the way it was supposed to. But my pager peeps will get it. I remember going home and calling my boyfriend and talking on the phone all night long. Talking about nothing at all, but just talking. And then you would get the beep from the other line, which was a total drag, because then you would have to share the phone with your brother. (hurry up… get off the phone….) Ha! I am glad I am not sharing my cell phone with my siblings today. Could you even imagine? Sharing texts with your sibling. Ugh.. my brothers would have loved that.. messing with my friends over text pretending to be me. That reminds me of Saturday night when my cousin and I did some driving around and the song Have you Seen Her by MC Hammer happened. Haha! We pulled it up on Youtube and jammed it out. I should have taken a picture of my kids in the back seat who were completely embarrassed to be riding around with us. But don’t you worry before that song happened, we jammed out to Push It by Salt-N-Pepa. Oh yeah we still got it folks! Haha!

Sometimes I do miss being a kid because we were only worried about right then. We never worried about our futures.  I don’t think I would trade being an adult to go back to being a kid though. I’m not that desperate to not pay my electric bill. I should probably go pay that while I sing Push It. 🙂

Thanks for reading my randomness. Love people intentionally.

Words are Powerful

We are getting ready for the holiday season in the Moore household. We have gifts wrapped, food ready to be cooked, and kids counting down the days until the big day. 🙂 Being a teacher, I get to take off the next 2 weeks. Some of you are thinking, Dang that is SWEET! Well let me tell you, from someone who doesn’t enjoy staying at home, I am already trying to figure out things I can do with my kids to get us out of the house. If you have any ideas, LET me KNOW! 😉 Two girls in one house, is two too many girls. With being in close quarters, we have arguments. With these said arguments, Mom has to step in as referee at some point. With this comes tears, and sadness and usually words that shouldn’t be said. That brings me to my main point…..

Words…words are powerful. “I love you” makes us feel happy with a twinkle of light headedness. “I hate you” breaks our hearts and makes us feel less than our actual worth. “Call me sometime” gives us hope for another day, and the feeling of being wanted by someone. “It’s not you, it’s me” makes us feel confused and not sure where we went wrong. Words… put in a specific order, can mean so many things to the person receiving them.

Back to this week….One of my daughters got upset about something and told me, “You have never loved me and we are NOT related!” I was kind of in shock that she even knew what related means, but she still said it. At once my brain raced through so many things. I thought does she mean that? Does she know something I don’t? I guess the hospital nurse could have switched her at birth and I would never know? That’s crazy. She is yours, she is your replica. Get real! Then I started thinking, why would she say that? And it hit me like a TON of bricks. I have said that to my parents before when I was in 4th grade. I remember the night like it was yesterday. At this moment I know what it must have felt like for my parents. I was upset with my parents for something (I’m sure it was something like, I wanted to spend the night with a girl down the road and they said no), and it was during dinner time. At dinner we always sat down as a family, my spot was to the left of my Dad, who sat at the head of the table. My mom sat across from me, my sister sat beside her, then my brother at the end of the table, and my little brother sat to my left. Me and my little brother are both left handed, so we were always having to sit beside each other so that our elbows weren’t fighting with the right handed peoples during dinner. Anyways… back to the story at hand, I told my parents, “I wish I was in another family!” As soon as I said it, I felt horrible. I loved being a Romine, it carried so much weight and pride. No one else in town had the same last name, so everyone knew who you were just by your last name. I said those words and my parents just looked at me. Then my dad being the sarcastic one (if anyone wonders where I get it..) said, “well maybe you are from another family.”  I was crushed. I knew I wasn’t but at that moment I sure did wish it. That conversation still comes up by my parents. We all laugh about it, but it really wasn’t that funny. It was hurtful, and careless. I would never trade my family for another family. I love my family and my lineage. I come from some amazing people. So back to my daughter…I told her she most definitely was related to me, and that I would never want her to have another family, until she gets married of course. She burst into tears and came and gave me a big hug, and told me she was sorry for saying that and that she knew I loved her so much. Words…they sure are tricky.

If you still don’t believe that words are powerful, think about that time in Junior high when that one kid told you that you suck. Or maybe that you are worthless, and that your crush would never date you. Remember that? Do you remember the way it made you feel? Just the fact that you remember it, is a key here. Now think about the first time your crush said they love you. Maybe think about the first time you told someone else you love them. How did you feel? The reason you remember how you felt is because those words held weight to you. They were words of death or they were words of life. Words make us feel things that we never expect. Words are powerful.

Think about the words you speak to the people you love everyday. Are they words of life? Now think about the words you speak to people you hardly know. Are they words of life?

Words are powerful people. Speak words of life. Choose words of life. You never know what your words of life will do to someone else’s day. You just might say the words that they needed to hear in order to not take their life when they get home. You just never know.

Speak intentionally. Love intentionally. ❤

To My Husband

We all know and probably agree that the Holiday season is when you get to hang around family and friends. Now we may disagree on whether that is a good time or a total drag, but either way this is the time of the year that you see them the most. I love, love, love being with my family and friends. They always make me laugh, by being silly or mentally crazy, but either way, this girl is laughing. 🙂

For the past couple of days I have been thinking of my family and the lack of my husband. I totally know that I will get married again because I want to be married and I know that God is preparing my husband for me. You may wonder what on earth that means, well I’m glad you are wondering. I have been laughing with God these past couple of days because every goofy thing I do he reminds me that my husband will need to think that is funny too, and he reminds me that only a special person will be able to hang with my humor. 😉 God is funny. If you don’t know him, you really should take time to get to know him. He cracks me up when I take the time to really hear him. So because of my thought process these past couple of days, I have been writing down things that my husband will have to think are funny or cute, because otherwise my husband will not stick around. So I wanted to share some of them with you guys. Now please know, I know that you guys don’t all believe the same as me, and guess what, that is completely fine. We aren’t the same person, (thank God), so just read and laugh, or whatever you want to do, but I don’t really care if you disagree with what I say. It’s my blog, so there! 😉 Ha!

To my future husband,

First, I need to say thank you for putting up with my craziness. It probably will happen more than not, but I’m not a normal female, never have been, never will be. Sorry, not sorry. 😉 I might turn normal everyday things into inappropriate things, and if I look at you I will start laughing. No matter where we are or what’s going on. That will happen, a lot. Sorry to the rest of the world for that. I appreciate the fact that you will people watch with me, and that we can just look at each other and know that what we saw wasn’t right. I love that we can both laugh and not say a word. Because really, there are no words for why people do what they do sometimes. Thank you for letting me make you strange things, and thank you for acting like you love it. Even if its horrible, you are still my biggest fan. Thank you for listening to my ridiculous day when I just need to vent. I will do the same for you, because hey, some days just suck. Thank you for not flipping out, when you are really trying to talk to me about something important, but you say something that reminds me of a song and I just start singing right in the middle of your speech. I’ll stop singing when I see that you are not as excited as I was, and I will start listening again. Thank you for letting me love you everyday of my life. Thank you for praying with me about our family, about our kids, about our exes and about everything important. Thank you for loving the Lord more than I do, because I need a strong male in my life. As you know I appreciate a good deep conversation, thank you for obliging even when you think my topic is ridiculous. Hey, thank you for trying to surprise me with random things, It is sincerely appreciated. On that same note, thank you for understanding that I am used to your normal routine, and when I notice you being weird, that you don’t get upset with me, because I just ruined the surprise. I’m sorry, I wasn’t trying to ruin it, I just notice when you are acting differently. God knew that my husband needed to be touched, because he made me to want to touch you. All the time. Sorry to the rest of the world, I just cannot help it. I mean, he is my husband, I can touch him if I want to. ❤ Thank you laughing with me when I do something completely dumb and my face turns twenty shades of red. Thank you for hugging me and kissing the top of my head, and telling me that you still love me. I really do think you are funny, I’m not just laughing at you, I am laughing with you. Thank you for inspiring me to do more with my life. Thank you for trusting me enough to share your inner most feelings with me. I promise to tell you the truth about what I am thinking, if you want to know. Otherwise, I will just listen to you, because I love you and want you to share those things with me. I don’t think it makes you less of man to share them. I think it makes you an incredible man, to feel safe enough to share your feelings. I love you for that. By the way, I know I will tell you this, but you really are an inspiring father. My kids are lucky to have two dads, and I appreciate the fact that you stepped up to the plate with them. Thank you for listening to my music even if you don’t like it, and letting me sing at the top of my lungs when its the best part. Yes there are lots of best parts and I will sing at the top of my lungs at all of them. 🙂 What can I say, I love music. It moves me. I love to talk to you and just hear what you have to say. It doesn’t matter if we do not always agree, sometimes the best conversations we have we disagree on, and that is okay, because we are two different people. What matters is that we come to an agreement on the big things, the small things can always be negotiated. 😉

Okay now you know some of my daily thoughts. Did it weird you out? Maybe? Well that is totally okay with me. If it weirded you out, the odds that you are not my future husband are very likely. I mean there can only be one. 😉

Love intentionally people. ❤